ADHD patients resort to cannabis use as a result of lengthy treatment waiting periods
Self-medication with cannabis is common among ADHD patients. ADHD UK said this is because people sometimes have to wait up to five years to get an appointment for treatment.
People opt for a form of self-medication because they don’t want to wait any longer. The long waiting times, sometimes up to five years, are partly the result of the sharp increase in the number of referrals.
Cannabis and ADHD
The ADHD Foundation reports a 400% increase in the number of adults seeking a diagnosis since 2020. The main symptoms are persistent attention, hyperactivity and impulse control problems. According to ADHD UK, 2.6 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with ADHD. Another two million people are believed to be living with the condition, without a diagnosis.
In addition to people waiting for treatment, there are also cannabis patients who prefer traditional medication such as Ritalin. For some people, this works particularly well to help control symptoms, which can sometimes be debilitating.
Source: (EN)